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Life After College 2018 info

The Cook Community Alumni Association is proud to announce the 2018 Life After College event on Saturday, February 10th; 4-7PM, in the Cook Student (Campus) Center Multi-Purpose Rooms!

We've received positive feedback from alumni and students alike after previous events. We've had alumni find students to mentor as well as to hire.  Students have express how great the advice was they've received at these events.  This is something that can't be done without you.

Alumni, Register here:

Students Register here

Questions? Email

If you can come, that would be great.  If you can't but would still potentially be interested in hearing from students, fill out this quick form anyway!

As always, food will be provided.  It'd be great if you could share your experiences with students - not just those directly in your field, but in some adjacent fields as well.

I'll be sending a follow-up email to everyone who registers, but if you have any questions, please ask!

We would love to have your support either as a contact for the student or spending time discussing your industrial/academic experience, insights on trends, how you started your career or discussing possible opportunities.

- Dan Clark