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Dr. H. Allen Tucker M.S. and Ph.D. Animal Physiology

Dr. H. Allen Tucker co-authored a textbook, Dairy Cattle: Principles, Practices, Problems, Profits, which many animal science faculty regard as the best available. His other professional accomplishments include more than 389 published scientific articles, receipt of in excess of $4.5 million in competitive research grants, and many major national awards including those from the American Dairy Science Association and the American Society of Animal Science.


Dr. Ajit K. Srivastava M.S. Agricultural Engineering

Dr. Ajit K. Srivastava’s areas of interest include agricultural mechanization, post-harvest assessment of quality, and on-farm value added processing.  The more than 40 publications that he has co-authored includes the book, Engineering Principles of Agricultural Machines, which has been adopted by 23 universities in the U.S., Brazil and Korea and which has been translated into Arabic.  He is a recipient of the A.S.A.E. Paper Award.


Dr. Daniel Rossi B.S. , M.S. Food and Business Economics

Dr. Daniel Rossi’s research interests lie in the areas of the economics of waste treatment and pollution abatement, outdoor recreation, commercial fisheries and rural land use.  Formerly director of the Rutgers Graduate Program in Agricultural Economics, Rossi became the associate director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station in 1986, and then associate dean for administration, Cook College.  He is now the senior associate dean for administration at Cook College and senior associate director at the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.


Dr. Stacey Angela Zawel Ph.D. Food Science

Dr. Stacey Zawel has held positions at the Campbell Soup Company, where she rose to senior research scientist; United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, where she served as director of scientific and regulatory affairs; and Grocery Manufacturers of America, where she rose to vice-president of scientific and regulatory policy.  She joined MangoLogic LLC in August 2000 and started Zawel Health Collaborative in August 2003.


Dr. Carl Safina M.S., Ph.D. Ecology

Dr. Carl Safina has helped to ban high seas driftnets; overhaul federal fisheries law in the U.S.; use international agreements in restoring depleted populations of sharks, tuna and other fishes; and achieve passage of a United Nations treaty.  In 1990, he founded the Living Oceans Program at the Audubon Society, where he served as vice president for ocean conservation.  Safina is author of more than a hundred scientific and popular publications on ecology and marine conservation.


Dr. Sonny B. Ramaswamy Ph.D., Entomology

Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy is an active researcher who studies the reproductive behavior and physiology of moths and other insects.  He holds a patent on a diagnostic kit for field identification of the eggs of the cotton bollworm and tobacco budworm, two of the major devastating pests in the United States. A field identification diagnostic kit based on this patent is being marketed in the cotton belt.  He was awarded the 2002 KSU Presidential Award for Outstanding Department Head.



Dr. Richard T. Dewling Ph.D. Environmental Science

Before founding Dewling Associates, Richard T. Dewling was chairman and CEO of environmental consulting firm Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.  Dewling served as Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection from 1985-1988 and from 1963 to 1983, was at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and its predecessor agencies in a number of top-level positions, including regional administrator.  A past editor of Waste Engineering Magazine Dewling is a diplomat in the American Academy of Environmental Engineers.


Dr. Gilbert A. Leveille Ph.D., Nutrition and Biochemistry

Throughout the 1970s, Dr. Gilbert A. Leveille was a professor of food science at Michigan State University.  He left academia in 1980 for General Foods Corporation, Nabisco and McNeil.  He joined Cargill, Inc. in 2002.  Dr. Leveille is a Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists, where he served as president from 1983 to 1984.  He is also a member of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences, where he served as president in 1988.  He has authored or co-authored four books, 13 book chapters, and numerous scientific papers.



Dr. Richard Ruey-Chi Wang Ph.D., Plant Biology

Richard Ruey-Chi Wang develops salt tolerant wheat to grow in India, Pakistan, Egypt, and other regions where the soil is too poor for conventional wheat.  He uses rice as a model for finding important clues to the genetics of apomixes in rangeland grasses, which are relatives of rice.  Wang investigates grasses and other hardy native and introduced plants that could be used in the western U.S. to stabilize erosion-prone slopes, revegetate areas denuded by wildfire, or provide nutritious, appetizing forage for livestock and wildlife.