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Cook Community Alumni Association: Executive Board and Duties

2022-2024 Slate of Officers and Members-at-Large


Officers are elected by members in good standing and serve two years, renewable terms from July 1 through June 30.  Elections are held in the April to June timeframe.  To nominate someone for the coming years, please email

Amanda Smith, ’08, Co-President

Dave Singer, ’01, Co-President

Joe Martucci, ’13, First Vice-President

Vacant,  Second Vice-President

Marc Kollar, ’95, Treasurer

Ted Wendin, ’11, Recording Secretary

Ted Wendin’11, Corresponding Secretary

Laura Lawson*, Executive Dean of The School of Environmental
and Biological Sciences 

                  *denotes non-voting ex-officio member

2019-2021 Slate of Officers and Members-at-Large

Amanda Smith, ’08, President

Dan Clark, ’10, First Vice-President

Vacant,  Second Vice-President

Marc Kollar, ’95, Treasurer

Ted Wendin, ’11, Recording Secretary

Ted Wendin’11, Corresponding Secretary

Laura Lawson*, Interim Executive Dean of The School of Environmental
and Biological Sciences 

                  *denotes non-voting ex-officio member

2017-2019 Slate of Officers and Members-at-Large

Dave Singer , ’01, President

Amanda Smith, ’08First Vice-President

Linda Madison, ’80,  Second Vice-President

Marc Kollar, ’95, Treasurer & Immediate Past-President

Dan Clark, ’10Corresponding Secretary

Robert Goodman*, Executive Dean of The School of Environmental
and Biological Sciences 

                  *denotes non-voting ex-officio member

2015-2017 Slate of Officers and Members-at-Large

Marc Kollar, ’95, President

Linda Madison, ’80,  First Vice-President

Patricia Provost Zafian, ’80,  Second Vice-President

Mark Robson, ’77, Treasurer

Ted Wendin, ’11, Recording Secretary

Amanda Smith, ’08, Corresponding Secretary

Dave Singer , ’01, Immediate Past-President

Robert Goodman*, Executive Dean of The School of Environmental
and Biological Sciences 

                  *denotes non-voting ex-officio member



Members of this group represent alumni interests and are encouraged to serve in leadership roles of the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, including but not limited to chair and vice-chair of ALUMNI ASSOCIATION committees, liaison to alumni groups within the Cook community, Rutgers University Senator, etc.
All officers and members-at-large of the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Board.

Members-at-large are elected by members in good standing and serve a three year term. Elections are held at the Alumni Association Annual Meeting on Ag Field Day/Rutgers Day. Nominations welcome at any time. Please email

Serving Through 2017-2020: Leslie Parker McGowan ’79, Joan DeBoer, ’84, Doug Erling, ’10, Tom Struble, K.C. Murray

Serving Through 2018-2021: Peter Zafian ’79; Lee Schneider ’70Steven Matarante ‘85, David Earl ’76

Serving Through 2019-2022: Margaret O’Donnell, ’93, Laura Kenny, ’08, Bethany Rocque-Romaine,’83, Krishna Jagannathan, ‘06, David Wakim ’19


Executives’ Duties


  • President
    Chief executive officer
    Represents alumni to the college and university administration
    Presides at all meetings of the executive board and general or annual meetings
    Decides all questions of order and regulate their proceedings generally. The President shall be ex officio a voting member of all committees of the Executive Board.
  • First Vice President
    Acts for and in the place of the President, when necessary
    Ex officio a nonvoting member of every committee of the executive board
    Responsible for the coordination of all standing committees
    Including: Awards, Communication, Financial, Membership, Nominating, Reunion
  • Second Vice President
    Acts for and in the place of the First Vice President as necessary
    Is an ex officio a nonvoting member of every committee of the Executive Board
    Responsible for the coordination of all committees not designated as standing committees
  • Secretary
    Responsible for the custody and control of correct meeting minutes
    Makes all reports as required
    Shall conduct and maintain such correspondence as may be required
  • Treasurer
    Chief financial officer
    Works with a professional auditor and CPA for the maintenance of the financial records
    Makes such financial reports as are required
    Is bonded at the expense of the Alumni Association Responsible for the investment and overall management of the finances

All officers of the Alumni Association shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Board.