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The Cook Alumni Association executive committee meets monthly to discuss business and long-range planning. All are welcome to attend. Meetings are generally held the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Cook Campus Center or Martin Hall. Meetings begin at 6:30 with a light dinner.

Times, dates and locations may change so please RSVP if you would like to attend.

Committees of the association meet as needed. If you are interested in working on any program or project contact us.

2024 Upcoming Meetings & Special Events

All meetings are at Martin Hall + ZOOM, 3rd floor conference room; 6:30PM!

Jan 23rd

Feb 27th

Mar 26th

Apr 22nd – Rutgers Loyal Sins & Daughters Ceremony

Loyal Sons & Daughters

Apr 27th – Ag Field Day/Rutgers Day

No date set – Life after College Event?