All alumni are automatically, and at no cost, members of a new Rutgers University Alumni Association. The Cook Alumni Association also agreed to stop collecting annual dues in order to allow all alumni to have the same standing within the university. For example, all alumni will now receive the Rutgers Magazine at no cost. Other university-wide benefits will be determined.
Although Rutgers University will pick up the cost for many benefits currently provided previously to dues paying alumni association members, please keep in mind that dues formerly paid to the Cook Alumni Association also provided support on the Cook campus. Those dues helped for funding with Ag Field Day, programs at the Rutgers Gardens, student scholarships and awards, the Cook History Project, the Retired Faculty Luncheon , alumni awards and honors, as well as provided grants to student groups. The new Rutgers University Alumni Association will not provide financial support to these traditional and valued programs.
The Cook Alumni Association is examining which programs it can continue to fund, and at what level, with its investment income. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Alumni Volunteers Make a Difference
Alumni Association President. Reunion planner. Guest speaker. Club advisor. Friend of Rutgers Garden. 4-H leader. The list goes on. Volunteers help with all aspects of Cook’s mission. We’ll mention as many here, and elsewhere on this site, as possible. Help us out. If you know an alumnus who is volunteering at Cook let us know.
A Generous Spirit
The Cook Community is built on the Land Grant College concept of combining teaching, research and public service. Alumni and friends continue to serve Cook. Some make financial gifts. Others give gifts of their time. Here is a partial list of those efforts. If you would like to add something to this page please send in the information and make it as complete as possible.
- In Honor and Remembrance – scholarships, fellowships and funds inspired by faculty, staff, students and alumni.